Batch Three

As a Travel Fellow, one profound realization I’d like to share is that this journey is an ongoing continuum. It served as a transformative experience, helping me shed various insecurities and egos along the way. It made me acutely aware that learning is a multifaceted endeavor, and travel is just one of its many forms.

Fathima Sheda

 Travel fellowship for me was meant to be a self-exploratory journey. Experiencing the lives of people in different parts of India, I consider as one of the finest learning so far. 

  One of the most impactful aspects was gaining insight into the grassroots efforts of NGOs dedicated to primary health. Through this fellowship, I not only deepened my understanding of the field but also found my identity as a doctor. It allowed me to connect with dedicated health workers and the communities they serve, enriching my perspective at every location I visited.

 Moreover, the friendships forged during this journey and the mentorship I received were insightful, further enhancing my personal and professional growth.

 From the very beginning of the fellowship, my interest in economic development and livelihood enterprises in rural areas was clear. Witnessing innovative ideas and their trajectories of growth during my travels expanded my perspective in this field.

Feel free to write to me at

Fahad Rasheed

As a recent graduate, I found myself grappling with the age-old dilemma of what path to pursue next. It was during my internship that I had a serendipitous encounter with some senior colleagues from my college who had dedicated their efforts to serving rural areas like Sittilingi. Engaging in conversations with them felt like an awakening; it was as though I had stumbled upon my true calling. 

My guiding principle became clear: "Work where you are most needed. It will contribute to your self-worth." To achieve this, I embarked on a journey to explore the health landscape of my surroundings and take on formidable challenges. I came to understand that health is not limited to the confines of OPDs and IPDs but is deeply entwined with the socio-economic and political fabric of a community. Failing to acknowledge this connection equates to failure as a health worker.

Working with rural and tribal communities in India presents a unique set of challenges, as we deal with resource constraints and the need to maximize outcomes. It is a place where not only doctors but also the communities themselves became profound teachers. Each center we work in differs from the next, and the lessons we learn cannot be encapsulated in mere sentences.

A heartfelt message I would like to extend to fellow medical professionals, both young and seasoned, is to avoid succumbing to the relentless rat race of medicine. Instead, give yourself the gift of time to explore your passions. You might just uncover wonders along your journey.

"Go to the people. Live with them. Learn from them. Love them. 

Start with what they know. Build with what they have. 

But with the best leaders, when the work is done, the task accomplished, the people will say 'We have done this ourselves."

You can reach me at

Take your time, pause, and step into the rural heartlands – you won't regret it.

Lenin A. 

Greetings! I'm Lenin from Tamil Nadu. I studied at the School of International Education, Zhengzhou University, Henan, P.R.China for my medical education. While medicine is my passion, I've also ventured into the world of public health, currently pursuing my Master's in the field.

Beyond my white coat, I'm an enthusiastic cook and gardener. So, why did I join this fellowship 10 years ater my MBBS? Well, I was in a state of chaos with no hope or the future. But the fellowship turned out to be a life-changing experience, providing me with purpose and focusing on service and contentment over wealth.

As Confucius wisely said, "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall." This quote has become my mantra. To my fellow medical professionals, I'd like to emphasize that life doesn't always follow a linear path. You don't need a string of letters behind your name to lead a fulfilling life. The world is vast and full of opportunities; sometimes, all you need is the courage to explore it.

Write to me at