Batch Four

Aishwarya Mani

A true nomad while growing up, I have bounced from places like Kolkata, Bhopal, Jammu, Bhatinda, Bangalore, Pondicherry, and Chennai. Kolkata, though, holds a special place in my heart as it witnessed my tumultuous teen years.

I started my medical journey at the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute in Pondicherry. When I'm not wearing my doctor's coat, you'll find me upcycling and turning old waste items into pieces of art and decor. I'm also into creating and editing children's books for schools, and you might spot me on stage as a solo artist or rocking the bass as a vocalist in bands.So, why did I join this fellowship, you ask? Well, after a stint in the corporate healthcare world, I realized that my vision of holistic healthcare and equitable access to health for everyone didn't quite align with the profit-driven side of urban healthcare.

"If you were born with the weakness to fall, you were born with the strength to rise" is what I always stand by

I'm here because I want to heal those who need it most, and this fellowship is my bridge to that calling. It's a chance to learn, grow, and extend my healing hand to the often-overlooked rural and tribal communities across India. Plus, it's a fantastic opportunity to explore the rich tapestry of nature and cultures our country has to offer.

To my fellow docs, young and old, here's a message from the heart: Take a break! Let your heart lead the way while you enjoy the ride. This country needs your expertise, and your enthusiasm is your greatest superpower. Channel it to heal as many souls as you can. If you ever need to reach out, you can drop me a line at


After completing my medical degree, I found myself in a state of confusion, as I had never been truly passionate about pursuing a career in medicine. My lifelong aspiration had always been to study and work in the field of forest and wildlife conservation, but due to various circumstances, I ended up pursuing medicine instead. I hoped that once I completed my medical education, I would have the opportunity to work with communities living in and around forests. I believe that this fellowship could provide me with the chance to explore my true calling and discover what I'm truly meant to do.  You can write to me at

"Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."

"Medicine is a social science, and politics is nothing but medicine on a larger scale."

Avanni Unni

Why I chose the travel fellowship instead of the PG coaching marathon is not an easy question for me to answer. I firmly believe that no words or writings can completely address that question. In a way, the Travel Fellowship chose me rather than the other way around. From a lower-middle-class student to a comrade, my entire transformation occurred at CMC Kozhikode, my college.

 I met many people who discussed politics and the holistic approach of medicine, giving me an understanding of why it is essential to have politics in our lives. Under our Badam tree, we discussed topics ranging from nature and books to capitalism, economics, communism, and cinema, covering everything under the sun. It became apparent to me that numerous inequalities were occurring around us. The fiery passion within me compelled me to fight against this injustice.

 I don't know if we can bring about immediate change in the system, but I am determined not to let the system change me. That's a little about me, and to those reading this, please follow your heart, become politically aware, be socially committed, and simply be a revolutionary human.

If you'd like to reach me, here's my email


   Aarkali, the name behind my collection of Tamil writings and poems, reflects the deep connection I have with my roots in Tamil Nadu. It's in this culturally rich state that I spent my formative years, cultivating a love for both literature and the art of photography. My educational journey led me to Vinayaka Missions Medical College in Karaikal, an unexpected twist that ultimately guided me toward a path of self-discovery. My fascination with the concept of traveling, coupled with the experience of working in rural areas, led me to embark on a journey that beautifully combines both. I ventured into this realm not only out of love for these pursuits but also to find clarity amid life's confusion, a journey of self-exploration that I believe will yield many insights. 

 To the young doctors out there, I'd like to emphasize that it's perfectly okay to hit the pause button in life and ponder if your current path truly aligns with your happiness and purpose.

You can write to me

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it."

Johan Dayal Niranjan Pandian

Joining this fellowship I came to realise how well thought of the WHO definition of health was and how the physical, mental and social well-being of people contribute and affect health. 

Through the fellowship I aspire to embrace change (as it is the only constant) ; Cultivate resilience to navigate life’s challenges (and hope to do so by learning from not just the varied mentors but also from the locals in the village who manage to somehow make it look so easy) and in the process Cherish relationships that add depth to the journey.

I know that finding myself through this journey will be a long shot. But what I am looking forward to more is to lose myself and enjoy the journey that in due course will take me homeward bound.